Yes, MicroGen can help with high blood pressure. You can search “blood pressure” or “hypertension” in the software to find the programs you need. The TENS pads should be placed parallel to a blood vessel. Common locations are the wrist … Continued
Does the MicroGen program need an Internet connection to run?
No, MicroGen can run without an Internet connection. As long as you have successfully installed the software on your PC, you can use the software even when offline.
If you are going to run a drug or essential oil program is it ok to run if the drug or essential oil shows a contradiction with a medication that has been prescribed to you by the pharmacist according to their contradiction checklist?
The programs imitate the functions of a drug or essential oil in the software. The related programs can’t be used at the same time if the drug or essential oil shows a contradiction with a medication.
How do people choose high power cables and low power cables in HeaWea software?
Generally, it depends on the personal situation. Both Zapper and Blood Purifier require high-power cables. Low-power cables are for FSM use, as well as for treating across the chest or above the neckline. For most programs, you should use high-power … Continued
How can I tell what version of the firmware is running on the HeaWea MicroGen?
In the HeaWea MicroGen software, click Utils → MicroGen firmware upgrade. Then click “open file” to check the firmware version, as shown in the screenshot.
Why I cannot find the Custom.csv file in the MicroGen folder?
If you cannot find the Custom.csv file in the MicroGen folder, you can create it yourself. Open the MicroGen software, click “Programs”, and select new to create a custom program. After you successfully add a custom program, the software will … Continued
How to search for programs in the MicroGen software?
How to search for programs in the MicroGen software? If you know the exact name of your condition, you can type the name in the search box and search for it. If you do not, you can search with the … Continued
There are many built-in programmes in the HeaWea software database, you can easily search for “tinnitus” to get the relevant programmes and run it with HeaWea MicroGen.
Although MicroGen can be used standalone, you may need to use a computer to load programs from the software into MicroGen, or use the software to set specific modes in order to make MicroGen available standalone. So you need a … Continued