1. Download the program lists, or use your own list;
Click the links below to start downloading:
2. Go to the MicroGen folder on your computer. It is located at C:\Program Files\MicroGen\ if you are running a 32-bit version of Windows or at C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroGen\ if you are running a 64-bit version of Windows;
3. Find and open the Custom.csv file. You can open it with either notepad or Microsoft Excel;
4. Open the frequency list with notepad or Excel;
5. Copy the list from your .csv file and paste it into Custom.csv;
6. Save Custom.csv.
7. Open MicroGen software, or refresh the software if it is already open. You should see your custom list already in it.
8. For more details, check out this blog for DH experimental frequencies and this one for terrain protocol.